File Mover is an AppleScript application which allows you to any files dropped onto it into their appropriate folders. The file types File Mover recognizes and the folders into which they are placed are:
Control Panels Control Panels Folder
Desk Accessories Apple Menu Items Folder
Extensions Extensions Folder
Fonts Fonts Folder
If a file is not one of the above types, File Mover will give you a dialog box letting you pick either to place the file in the Startup Items Folder, in the Apple Menu Items Folder, or to skip that file. If you choose the Apple Menu Items, File Mover will give you another dialog box asking whether you would like to place the file itself in the Apple Menu Items folder, or an alias of the file.
You can also move files by double-clicking on File Mover in the Finder. This will bring up a standard open dialog box which will let you choose a file to move.
File Mover 1.0 is shareware. If you find yourself using it much, please send $5 to:
Matt Pauker
15700 Kilmarnock Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33912-2433
If you can't afford to spend the 5 dollars, then I would appreciate it if you would give me some feedback. You can E-Mail me at:
America Online: Lt 3rdof3
Any bug reports or questions can also be sent to either of the above addresses.